I gua­ran­tee a thor­ough proof­read­ing of your texts and mu­sic, with a fo­cus on spell­ing, gram­mar, com­pre­hen­si­bi­li­ty, co­he­rence of style, for­mat­ting and ty­po­gra­phy as well as pos­si­ble op­ti­mi­za­tions (de­pend­ing on the do­cu­ment's pur­pose) for print or on­line distribution.

As it is my fore­most con­cern not to un­der­mine your au­thor­i­ty over your own pu­bli­ca­tion, I as­sid­u­ous­ly re­frain from un­der­ta­king any un­au­tho­rized mo­di­fi­ca­tions of the text. In­stead, I ini­tial­ly an­no­tate any points of un­cer­tain­ty with­in your files with ea­si­ly fol­low­a­ble sug­ges­tions for cor­rec­tions, al­te­ra­tions or al­ter­na­tives. Thus all de­ci­sions re­gard­ing form and de­tail in your text remain with you, while you can leave the task of im­ple­ment­ing any ap­proved chang­es to me. Sub­ject to prior agree­ment, cer­tain stan­dard­ized cor­rec­tions or ad­just­ments (for ex­am­ple ab­bre­vi­a­tions, edi­to­ri­al notes / cri­ti­cal re­ports, for­mat­ting of quo­ta­tions or bi­blio­graph­i­cal re­fe­ren­ces) can al­so be ef­fect­ed dur­ing the in­i­ti­al proof­reading.